Flowers- U Pick Garden


 EBMY Farm's 1/4 acre U-Pick flower garden is open Monday -Sunday from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm starting July 1st.  The garden is self-serve, and all the needed supplies are located inside the flower shack.  You are more than welcome to bring a vase /jar to take your flowers home.  Otherwise, there will be floral sleeves to use.

 Instructions:  Make your payment, cash or go to, select product and choose flowers.  There will be a selection of U-Pick Flowers or prearranged bouquets in different sizes, those will also be available inside the flower shack.

For the U-Pick garden,  grab a jar and fill it with some water.  Choose a pair of snips to use, then head to the field.  Stuff your jar with as many flowers as you like. Feel free to sit and arrange your flowers at the picnic tables.  After you are finished, return the jar and the clippers, then wrap your stems in a wet paper towel and put them in the floral sleeve provided unless you are using your jar to take them home

The flower garden produces a beautiful assortment of dahlias, snap dragons, larkspures, stock, statice, asters, and zinias, to name a few.  The U-Pick Flower garden will be open on July 1st.

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